739 research outputs found

    Bernardo de Aldrete, humanist and laminario

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    The humanist scholar and philologist Bernardo de Aldrete had a contradictory relationship to the Sacromonte affair. His first book in 1606 was a pathbreaking history of the Spanish language. Notable for its rigorous methods of linguistic inquiry, that work demonstrated the Latin origins of Spanish and rejected its existence before the time of the Visigoths. Aldrete's thesis was attacked for impugning the authenticity of the Turpiana parchment. In a second book Aldrete defended both his earlier work and the Sacromonte discoveries. He assisted Archbishop de Castro in the defense of the lead books, but that role has received little attention from historians. This article draws together Aldrete's published work and his correspondence with the Archbishop's house- hold to bring his role in the Sacromonte case into focus. It attempts to identify the continuities as well as the more often noted contradictions between Aldrete's roles as laminario and humanist scholar.La relación de Bernardo de Aldrete, humanista y filólogo, con el caso del Sacromonte fue ambigua. Su primer libro, publicado en 1606, fue una historia innovadora de la lengua española. Notable por sus métodos rigurosos de investigación lingüística, la obra mostró los orígenes latinos del español y rechazó su existencia antes de la época de los godos. La tesis de Aldrete fue atacada por impugnar la autenticidad del pergamino de la Torre Turpiana. En otro libro, Aldrete defendió su obra anterior y también los hallazgos del Sacromonte. Aldrete ayudó al Arzobispo de Castro en la defensa de los libros plúmbeos, un papel que ha llamado poco la atención de historiadores del Sacromonte. Este artículo compagina la obra publicada de Aldrete y su correspondencia con la casa del Arzobispo, para enfocar su papel en el caso del Sacromonte. Pretende identificar tanto las continuidades como las contradicciones entre el trabajo de Aldrete como laminario y como humanista

    Linguistic Consciousness among Adolescents in Catalonia: A Case Study from the Barcelona Urban Area in Longitudinal Perspective

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    Summary: This ethnographic case study from 2007 investigated linguistic consciousness in a public high school in the Barcelona urban area previously studied in 1987. Catalan was found to retain its high status and connote “elegance”, while Spanish is now characterized as a debased language by the majority of students in this case study from varying linguistic backgrounds. Students do not recognize register variation in Catalan. Ethnolinguistic boundaries have weakened considerably since 1987. Peers are no longer categorized on the basis of language background, but in voluntaristic and commodified stylistic terms. Bilingualism is the normal expectation, and while language choice has lost its solidarity value since 1987, functional Castilian monolingualism is a socially marked choice. [Keywords: language attitudes, language ideology, linguistic identity, national identity, youth language]

    Bourdieu and the economics of language in Catalonia

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    Aquest article revisa primer la teoria influent de Pierre Bourdieu sobre l’economia dels intercanvis lingüístics i sobre el paper del capital lingüístic i simbòlic en la reproducció social. Planteja qüestions que resten pendents sobre la universalitat de la teoria, el seu èmfasi en l’escolarització com a nexe per a convertir diferents formes de capital en capital simbòlic, i el fet de no considerar els efectes separats del poder econòmic i polític o institucional sobre el capital lingüístic quan els mercats lingüístics no estan totalment integrats. La segona part de l’article aporta proves empíriques del cas català sobre aquestes qüestions. Una visió general dels resultats de recerques econòmiques i etnogràfiques o experimentals sobre la llengua a la Catalunya autònoma suggereix que, malgrat Bourdieu, els canvis en la política lingüística i les pràctiques lingüístiques dels individus semblen disminuir d’una manera concreta les distincions econòmiques i socials preexistents entre grups etnolingüístics.This article first reviews Pierre Bourdieu’s influential theory of the economics of linguistic exchanges and of the role of linguistic and symbolic capital in social reproduction. It raises questions that remain unaddressed about the theory’s universality, its emphasis on schooling as the nexus for converting different forms of capital into symbolic capital, and its failure to consider the separate effects of economic and political/institutional power on linguistic capital when linguistic markets are not fully integrated. The second part of the article brings empirical evidence from Catalonia to bear on those questions. An overview of findings of economic and ethnographic/ experimental research on language in autonomous Catalonia suggests that, pace Bourdieu, changes in language policy and individual linguistic practices appear to diminish in some concrete ways the pre-existing economic and social distinctions between ethnolinguistic groups

    Soil erosion in Ohio

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    Les ideologies lingüístiques: una visió general d'un camp des de l'antropologia lingüística

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    En respondre al repte de la gestió de la diversitat lingüística a l’Estat espanyol, s’ha argumentat que la lluita ideològica per la legitimació de determinades visions del món lingüístic ha de ser explicada per poder-hi intervenir. Des del camp d’estudi de les ideologies lingüístiques, l’antropologia lingüística examina la qüestió de com es legitima una llengua als ulls i a les orelles dels membres d’una comunitat. Al món occidental modern trobem dues ideologies lingüístiques que, amb freqüència, sostenen l’autoritat lingüística en aquest sentit. Les podem anomenar les ideologies de l’autenticitat i de l’anonimat. Cada una d’aquestes naturalitza un tipus de relació entre una determinada varietat lingüística i un determinat estat de la societat. La distinció pot resultar útil per analitzar, d’una banda, els intents de definició de l’espanyol com a llengua “postnacional”, i, de l’altra, la situació de la llengua catalana avui. Aquest article esbossa les dues ideologies en contrast i les il·lustra breument amb uns exemples d’Europa i dels Estats Units. Seguidament, aplica aquest marc teòric a la situació actual de l’espanyol i del català a Espanya i Catalunya. Com a conclusió, considera les possibilitats de noves formacions ideològiques en el camp sociolingüístic

    \u3ci\u3eGOPHERUS POLYPHEMUS\u3c/i\u3e (Gopher Tortoise) COYOTE PREDATION

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    Gopherus polyphemus is listed as a species of special concern by the state of Florida (Florida Wildlife Code Chap. 39 F.A.C.), and as a threatened species by the Florida Committee on Rare and Endangered Plants and Animals (Moler 1992. Rare and Endangered Biota of Florida: Volume 111, Reptiles and Amphibians. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 291 pp.). Coyotes (Canis latrans) are invasive to Florida with ranges that are expanding within the state (Schmitz and Brown 1994. An Assessment of Invasive Non-Indigenous Species in Florida\u27s Public Lands. Florida Dept. Environmental Protection. Tallahassee, Florida. 283 pp.; Wooding and Hardinsky 1990. Florida Field Nat. 18:12-14), including the southeastern coast (Cunningham and Dunford 1970. Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sci. 33:279-280; Brady 1983. Florida Field Nat. 11:40-41; Hill et al. 1987. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 15:521-524; Wooding and Hardinsky, op. cit.). We report here evidence of Coyote predation on Gopher Tortoise hatchlings in southeastern coastal Florida

    A Sensor Fusion Approach to Coastal Mapping

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    NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey (NGS) is responsible for mapping the national shoreline. This shoreline provides the critical baseline for demarcating the United States’ marine territorial limits, including its Exclusive Economic Zone; and is used in updating NOAA nautical charts and management of coastal resourses. NGS conducted a data fusion research project in collaboration with the Joint Airborne Lidar Bathymetric Technical Center of Expertise (JALBTCX) and other NOAA partners. In March and April of 2004, hyperspectral imagery, topographic lidar data, and highresolution digital color imagery were collected simultaneously aboard the NOAA Citation for coastal project areas in Florida and California. The data are being used to support a number of research objectives, including shoreline extraction and feature attribution, and coral reef mapping. The details of the simultaneous data acquisition with three different sensors are presented along with preliminary results from our shoreline mapping research

    Use of a new proximity assay (NanoBRET) to investigate the ligand binding characteristics of three fluorescent ligands to the human β1-adrenoceptor expressed in HEK-293 cells

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    Previous research has indicated that allosteric interactions across the dimer interface of β1-adrenoceptors may be responsible for a secondary low affinity binding conformation. Here we have investigated the potential for probe dependence, in the determination of antagonist pKi values at the human β1-adenoceptor, which may result from such allosterism interactions. Three fluorescent β1-adrenoceptor ligands were used to investigate this using bioluminescence energy transfer (BRET) between the receptor-bound fluorescent ligand and the N-terminal NanoLuc tag of a human β1-adrenoceptor expressed in HEK 293 cells (NanoBRET). This proximity assay showed high affinity specific binding to the NanoLuc-β1-adrenoceptor with each of the three fluorescent ligands yielding KD values of 87.1 ± 10nM (n=8), 38.1 ± 12nM (n=7), 13.4 ± 2nM (n=14) for propranolol-Peg8-BY630, propranolol-3(Ala-Ala)-BY630 and CGP-12177- TMR respectively. Parallel radioligand-binding studies with 3H-CGP12177 and TIRF microscopy, to monitor NanoLuc bioluminescence, confirmed a high cell surface expression of the NanoLuc- 31-adrenoceptor in HEK 293 cells (circa 1500 fmol.mg protein-1). Following a 1h incubation with fluorescent ligands and β1-adrenoceptor competing antagonists, there were significant differences (p < 0.001) in the pKi values obtained for CGP20712a and CGP 12177 with the different fluorescent ligands and 3H-CGP 12177. However, increasing the incubation time to 2h removed these significant differences. The data obtained show that the NanoBRET assay can be applied successfully to study ligand-receptor interactions at the human β1-adrenoceptor. However, the study also emphasizes the importance of ensuring that both the fluorescent and competing ligands are in true equilibrium before interpretations regarding probe dependence can be made